Parents' and Friends' Association
· Magic Show - Thursday 15th February 7 - 8.45pm
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On Thursday 15th February Parkview Primary School will be holding its first Magic Show featuring 6 magicians and Des Colona from the Derby Magic Circle. Mr Brownhill will be joining them in providing an evening of magic. The show starts at 7pm and there will be a short interval when refreshments will be on sale (drinks, crisps, and sweets). (As the show does not finish until 8.45pm, why not bring younger children to the first half?) Tickets cost £1.50 (adult) and £1.00 (children) and they can be purchased using either the reply slip at the end of this newsletter or from the school office. Tickets are limited and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. | ![]() |
· Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 6th March 7.30pm
Notice is hereby given that the second AGM of Parkview Primary School PFA will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6th March in the school hall. (Please note that there is a PFA meeting prior to this on Tuesday 13th February at 7.30pm).
What is an AGM? It is the main business meeting of an organisation in the year. It is an opportunity to review the work of the PFA since the last AGM, review the audited accounts of the PFA and to elect the committee for the following year. Copies of the AGM agenda will be available from the PFA noticeboard (opposite the entrance to the school office) prior to the meeting.
Who can attend? All parents and friends of Parkview Primary School. The PFA relies upon your support and as older children leave the school we would particularly like to welcome new parents. If you would like to become a member of the committee please use the nomination form below and return this to the PFA (via. the school office) by Monday 5th March 2001. You do not need to be a committee member to join the PFA or attend any PFA meetings. Everyone is always welcome.
· Forthcoming Events
-Thursday 15th February - Parkview Primary School Magic Show
- Tuesday 6th March - Annual General Meeting of the PFA
- Fun/Quiz Night - Wednesday 14th March
- Ladies Fashion Show - Thursday 3rd May
· Thank You
The PFA would like to acknowledge the help and support of Villa Street Motors, Draycott for their help and support for the school Christmas Fayre and raffle. If you have any ideas for, or would like to help with any future events please let us know via. the school office. Alternatively, come along to the PFA meetings or contact Simon Coe or Sharon Sheppard. The next PFA meeting is on Tuesday 13th February at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome.
· Tokens
We still want any tokens you may have. Just send them in to school marked "PFA". Walkers crisps have started their tokens again!
· Trivia Quiz for Christmas
If anyone requires an answer sheet for the Christmas trivia quiz (last newsletter) please let us know via. the PFA tray in the school office.
Nominations for the PFA Committee
Name of Nominee | Committee Post | Nominated by: (Can be self-nominated) |
Seconded by: (Another parent or friend of the school) |
Chairperson | |||
Vice-Chairperson | |||
Honorary Treasurer | |||
Honorary Secretary | |||
Committee Member |
Return to the PFA (via. the school office) before Monday 5th March 2001.
Magic Show Ticket Request Form
Number of adult tickets required (£1.50 each) | |
Number of children's tickets required (£1.00 each) | |
Money enclosed | £ |
Child's Name Year
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Everyone is welcome to the Parkview Primary School
Christmas Fayre on Saturday 2nd December. There will be craft stalls
(e.g. cards, jewelry, Christmas wreaths), cake stall, tombola, raffle,
childrens activity stall where you can make your own Christmas
cards, visit Santa in his grotto, leave your letters for Santa, bran
tub, 10p and 20p alley and much more. There will be refreshments on sale including a selection of filled rolls, hot dogs, cakes and drinks. Some of the children will be singing Christmas carols and there will be a selection of Christmas music from the group "New Life". Entrance fee is 20p for each adult and each child (over 3yrs) and this includes a free program with a lucky number to win a £10 gift token. Change on the door would be very much appreciated! |
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If you would like to donate any prizes for the tombola please send them in to school marked "Christmas Fayre". We would welcome donations for the Christmas Fayre cake stall. These can be brought into school anytime this week. We are desperately looking for more volunteers to help on the school stalls. If you could spare just one hour (or more if you wish) between 12 and 3.30pm to help on one of the stalls please contact Simon Coe.
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Thank you to the children who entered the PFA Christmas poster competition. Some of the posters will be used to advertise the Christmas Fayre. After careful consideration the winning entries were judged to be the posters submitted by Lauren Coughlan and Grace Walker from Y5. Lauren and Grace both received a £5 book token. Runners-up prizes have been awarded to the following children: Charlotte Hitchcock (Y5), Coral Endsor (Y5) and Nathaniel Lamb(Y6). | ![]() |
The raffle will be drawn at the end of the Christmas Fayre please remember to send in money, ticket stubs and unsold raffle tickets to the school office before 2nd December. If you would like more raffle tickets please let us know by using the reply slip. 1st Prize is a remote control colour television, 2nd prize is a family tobogganing session at the Tamworth Snowdome, 3rd prize is a David Lloyd family passport. Other prizes include, £20 Pizza Express voucher, Barbie sets, an MOT test, gents Disney watch, bottles of wine and chocolates.
The Christmas disco featuring "The Big Atom" will take place between 5.30 and 7pm on Thursday 21st December. Note: it is one time for all age groups. Derby Countys Rammie will be coming along and ewe could win a Derby County signed football. Tickets cost £1.50 and include all drinks and a raffle ticket for the signed football. Crisps etc. will also be on sale. Tickets can be ordered by returning the slip at the end of the newsletter or they can be purchased from the school office.
Last week there were lots of broken "Newcastle Brown" bottles on the school site. If you see anything suspicious try and get a good description of what / who you see can you call the police immediately on their local number (Derby 290100) or on 999.
Thankyou to everyone who came along to the childrens fashion show on 8th November. The event was a huge success and raised £320.00 which will be spent on equipment for the children.
The "Parkview Plodders Plus 1" would like to thank everyone who supported them in their 6 mile run on 8th October. The runners were: Mr Brownhill, Mrs Hough, Steve and Janet Burns, Simon Coe, Stuart Combridge, Louise Cooney, Zoë Gordon, Gary Parkin. Steve Powell and Simon Tilley. All the Plodders made it to the finish line with times between 44 and 60 minutes. The event raised £740.00 for Parkview Primary School and this money will be used to purchase a computer for the schools library.
If you have any ideas for, or would like to help with any future events please let us know via the school office. Alternatively, come along to the PFA meetings or contact Simon Coe (e-mail or Sharon Sheppard (e-mail The next PFA meeting is a social meeting at The Kings Corner (Oakwood) at 8pm on Tuesday 12th December. Everyone is welcome.
I would like to request more books of Christmas fayre raffle tickets. |
Childs Name Year
Number of disco tickets required (£1.50 each including drinks and raffle ticket) | |
Money enclosed | £ |
Childs Name Year
· Final Reminder - Beetle Drive - Thursday 5th October 6pm to 8pm
Everyone is welcome to join in the Parkview Primary School beetle drive on Thursday 5th October. Entry fee is £1 per adult and 50p per child. Refreshments will be available. Tickets can be purchased from the school office, or ordered by completing the tear-off slip at the end of this newsletter or purchased on the night. Younger children may wish to play with an adult partner. There will be nursery/infant, junior and adult prizes. | ![]() |
· 10 K (6 Mile) Fun Run - Sunday October 8th 11am onwards!
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Mrs Hough and several Parkview Mums and Dads and friends will be running in the Merrill College / Shelton Striders 10K run on Sunday. Our team name is "Parkview Plodders Plus 1!" We will be raising money for Parkview Primary School through sponsorship at this event. If you would like to sponsor any of the Parkview Plodders please sign one of the sponsorship forms posted on each classroom door or the main entrance door. If you would like to come and support us the event starts at 1100hrs from Merrill College, Jubilee Road, Shelton Lock. |
· Webb Ivory
Webb Ivory catalogues have already been distributed to half the children in school. Thankyou to those families who have placed their orders and returned the catalogues. If you haven't already placed your order there is still time. Completed orders can be passed to your year coordinator (see below) and additional order forms are available from the PFA tray in the school office. Even if you do not wish to order can you please return all catalogues to school as soon as possible so that we can then pass them on to the families who have not yet seen them? Please feel free to show the catalogues to friends and families. All the commission from the sale of goods will go directly towards items and equipment for the children at the school.Reception Tracy Powell / Annette Fish, Y1 Adrian Harding, Y2 Susan Ewan, Y3 Sharon Sheppard, Y4 Jennifer Archer, Y5&6 Louise Cooney Alternatively orders may be sent into school with your child in an envelope marked "PFA-Webb Ivory". | ![]() |
· Children's Fashion Show - Wednesday 8th November 6.30pm
There will be a children's fashion show starting at 6.30pm on Wednesday 8th November in the school hall. Tickets are £1.50 for adults, children free and are available by completing the slip at the end of the newsletter. The show will be very informal and the children (including preschoolers) will have the opportunity to model and try on all the clothes. We are looking for 25 children aged between 0 and 12 to model the clothes. They will need to be at school for 5.45pm. If you would like your child/children to model please let us know by completing the slip at the end of the newsletter. Gary Parkin will compere the show. All clothes are chain store and catalogue items for children between 0 and 12 years old. They will be sold at up to 50% off normal retail prices. Please note that payment will be by cash and cheques only - no credit cards.
· Forthcoming Events
Thursday 5th October 6 - 8pm - Beetle Drive
Wednesday 8th November 6.30 - 8pm - Childrens fashion show
Saturday 2nd December 12 - 3.30pm - Christmas Fayre
Thursday 21st December 5.30 - 7pm - Christmas Disco
We would like to acknowledge the help and support of the Oakwood Evergreens who have supported us over the last year. The Evergreens' Christmas Bazaar is on Saturday 4th November, 2pm at the Oakwood Community Centre.
If you have any ideas for or would like to help with any future events please let us know via the school office. Alternatively, come along to the PFA meetings or contact Simon Coe (e-mail or Sharon Sheppard (e-mail
The next PFA meeting is at 7.30pm on Thursday 2nd November at school. Everyone is welcome.
Beetle Drive Ticket Request Form
Number of adult tickets required for the beetle drive (£1 each) | |
Number of children's tickets required for the beetle drive (50p each) | |
Money enclosed | £ |
Fashion Show Ticket Request Form
Number of adult tickets required for the fashion show (£1.50 each) | |
Money enclosed | £ |
Request to model for the fashion show
Childs / Children's Name | Ages of children |
Please contact me about helping with refreshments at future events |
Please contact me about helping with future events |
Your Name Contact Number
Childs Name Year
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Children, family and friends - everyone is welcome to join in the Parkview Primary School beetle drive on Thursday 5th October. Entry fee is £1 per adult and 50p per child. Refreshments will be available. Tickets can be purchased from the school office from Monday 18th September or they can be ordered by completing the tear-off strip at the end of this newsletter. Younger children may wish to play with an adult partner and there will be nursery/infant, junior and adult prizes. |
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It's not too late to join the Parkview Primary School Action Group for safer routes to schools. The aim of the group is to work with Derby City Council Road Safety Department in order to make routes to school safer for children. If you would like to find out more please contact Gary Parkin via. the PFA postbox in the school office. | ![]() |
* Can we remind parents that is dangerous to park on the zig-zags around the school entrance. They are there to keep the entrance free from traffic and allow a clear view for vehicles and children as they cross or pass through the entrance. Inconsiderate parking endangers the lives of all of our children.
Several parents and friends will be running in the Merrill College / Shelton Striders 10K run on Sunday 8th October. This is to show our support to the pupils and staff of Merrill College for their help and support at the Parkview Primary School sports day and summer fayre last term. Parkview parents and friends, team name "Parkview Plodders Plus 1!" will be will be raising money for Parkview Primary School through sponsorship at this event. If you would like to sponsor any of the Parkview Plodders please sign the sponsorship forms in the school entrance hall. If you would like to join the Parkview Plodders come along to the next training session at 8pm on Tuesday 26th September outside Springwood Leisure Centre or contact Simon Coe. | ![]() |
There will be a childrens fashion show starting at 6.30pm on Wednesday 8th November in the school hall. The show will be very informal and the children (including preschoolers) will have the opportunity to model and try on all of the clothes. All clothes are chain store and catalogue items for children between 0 and 12 years old. They will be sold at up to 50% off normal retail prices. There will be more information and a ticket slip in the next PFA newsletter.
With only 100 shopping days left until Christmas here's your chance to make an early start and help raise funds for Parkview Primary School. The PFA will be distributing Webb Ivory catalogues to all families at the school. There will be a PFA volunteer for each year group who will coordinate the distribution of catalogues and collection of orders. All the commission from the sale of goods will go directly towards items and equipment for the children at the school. Please feel free to show the catalogues to friends and families and return your orders to the year group coordinator a.s.a.p. You will be informed of your year coordinator shortly. | ![]() |
The PFA are still continuing to collect tokens from any goods / stores. Please send these in to school and the PFA will sort and exchange all tokens for goods for the school. Staples currently donate a 10p school token for every £5 spent but these need exchanging before the end of October.
Thursday 5th October 6 - 8pm - Beetle Drive Wednesday 8th November 6.30 - 8pm - Childrens fashion show Saturday 2nd December 12 - 3.30pm - Christmas Fayre Thursday 21st December 5.30 - 7pm - Christmas Disco
If you have any ideas for or would like to help with any future events please let us know via the school office. Alternatively, come along to the PFA meetings or contact Simon Coe (e-mail or Sharon Sheppard (e-mail The next PFA meeting is at 7.30pm on Monday 25th September at school. Everyone is welcome. Without your help and support these events cannot take place.
Number of adult tickets required for the beetle drive (£1 each) | |
Number of children's tickets required for the beetle drive (50p each) | |
Money enclosed | £ |
Childs Name Year
· Summer Fayre
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The first Parkview Primary School summer fayre took place last Friday and we would like to thank everyone who helped with the event, everyone who donated items for the raffle, tombola and cake stall and everyone who came along to support the event. We would also like to thank the businesses who kindly supported the event by donating items for the raffle and auction. With your help the Summer Fayre and raffle raised £1150.00 which will be spent on books and equipment for the children at the school. | ![]() |
The businesses who kindly supported this event included: Birch, Pizza Express, David Lloyds, The American Adventure, The National Tramway Museum, Gulliver's Kingdom, Springwood Leisure Centre, Queens Leisure Centre, West Park Leisure Centre, Chatsworth House Trust, Rollerworld, Oakwood Fishbar, Dominos Pizzas, Derby Superbowl, Sainsburys (Wyvern and Kingsway), Morrisons, Tamworth Snowdome and the Showcase Cinema.
· Oakwood Gala Sunday 16th July
The PFA will be having a stall at this year's Oakwood gala. We would like to raise more funds for the school and plan to sell children's clothes and games on the school stall. If you have any unwanted items of children's clothing and / or children's games that you would like to donate for the school stall would you please send them into school in a bag marked "PFA".
· Summer Disco - Thursday 20th July
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There will be an end of term Summer Disco by "The Big Atom" on Thursday 20th July in the school hall. The Nursery and Reception disco will start at 5pm and finish at 6.15pm. The Y1-Y6 disco will begin at 6.30pm and end at 8pm. Tickets cost £1 and include drinks. Refreshments will also be available for adults. If you would like tickets for this event please complete the form at the end of this newsletter. (Please note: Year 6 have received a complimentary ticket from the PFA for this event). | |
· Forthcoming Events
The fashion show (Thursday 6th July), Oakwood Gala (Sunday 16th July) and disco (Thursday 20th July) will be the last PFA organised events this term. We have many more events planned for the autumn term and if you would like to become involved with these or any other future events please let us know via the school office. Alternatively, come along to the PFA meetings or contact Simon Coe or Sharon Sheppard via. the school office. The next PFA meeting is at 7.30pm on Monday 10th July at school. Everyone is welcome. Without your help and support these events cannot take place.
Ticket Request Form
Number of Nursery/Reception Disco tickets required (£1 each including drinks) | |
Number of Y1-Y6 Disco tickets required (£1 each including drinks) | |
Money enclosed | £ |
· Summer Fayre - Friday 30th June (Immediately following Sports Day)
The first Parkview Primary School summer fayre will take place at school on Friday 30th June straight after sports day (3.15pm to 5.15pm). Admission is free and there will be craft stalls, fairground rides, bouncy castle, 10/20p alley, refreshments, ice cream van, gymnastics display, police and fire engine, stocks, "Beat the under 16 Derby County goalie", cake stall, adult and children's tombola and much, much more.
There will also be an auction of the following 4 items - so bring your cheque books!
· Family pass for Chatsworth House and Gardens ·
1 Free induction and 5 complimentary Profiles sessions at Springwood Leisure Centre
· VIP pass for 2 to The American Adventure
· A signed Derby County football The summer fayre raffle will also be drawn - please remember to send in money, ticket stubs and unsold raffle tickets to the school office before 30th June. If you would like more raffle tickets please let us know by using the reply slip.
1st Prize is a range of garden furniture, 2nd prize is £25 Marks and Spencer gift vouchers, 3rd prize is a signed Derby County football. Other prizes include complimentary tickets to the National Tramway museum, two free passes to Derby Rollerworld, £20 Pizza Express voucher, two tickets to Gulliver's Kingdom, Family swims at West Park Leisure Centre, David Lloyd family passport, Induction pass to Reflexions Health and Fitness Studio at Queens leisure Centre, 2 Dominos pizzas and a meal from Oakwood Fishbar.
If you would like to donate any prizes for the adult and children's tombolas please send them in to school marked "Summer Fayre". We would also welcome donations for the Summer Fayre cake stall.
· Fashion Show / Sale - Thursday 6th July at 7.30pm
We have arranged for the first time a ladies fashion
evening to be held in the school hall. The show is very informal. There
will be a wide range of ladies wear and a few gents/unisex items may
also be shown. All items are modelled and every item shown may be
purchased on the evening by cash, cheque, switch or credit card at
less than half the retail price. None of the clothes are seconds. They are available in a range of sizes. Tickets cost £2.50 each and this includes a glass of wine. You can buy tickets by completing the slip at the end of the newsletter and sending it into school before 21st June with the money in an envelope marked "PFA". We are committed to having at least 100 ladies attending, so bring your friends to a very enjoyable evening. |
· Summer Disco - Thursday 20th July
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There will be an end of term Summer Disco by "The
Big Atom" on Thursday 20th July in the school hall. The Nursery and Reception disco will start at 5pm and finish at 6.15pm. The Y1-Y6 disco will begin at 6.30pm and end at 8pm. Tickets cost £1 and include drinks. Refreshments will also be available for adults. If you would like tickets for this event please complete the form at the end of this newsletter. (Please note: Year 6 have received a complimentary ticket from the PFA for this event). |
· Forthcoming Events
Sunday 16th July - Oakwood Gala (the school will be having a stall)
If you would like to help with these or any other future events please let us know via the school office. Alternatively, come along to the PFA meetings or contact Simon Coe (e-mail or Gail Doughty (e-mail The next PFA meeting is at 7.30pm on Wednesday 21st June at school. Everyone is welcome.
Without your help and support these events cannot take place.
Ticket Request Form
Number of adult tickets required for the fashion show / sale (£2.50 each) | |
Number of Nursery/Reception Disco tickets required (£1 each including drinks) | |
Number of Y1-Y6 Disco tickets required (£1 each including drinks) | |
Money enclosed | £ |
I would like to request more books of Summer fayre raffle tickets. |
Child's Name Year
· Fashion Show / Sale
We have arranged for the first time a ladies fashion evening to be held in the school hall on Thursday July 6th at 7.30pm. The show is very informal. There will be a wide range of ladies wear and a few gents/unisex items may also be shown. All items are modelled and every item shown may be purchased on the evening by cash, cheque, switch or credit card at less than half the retail price. None of the clothes are seconds and they are available in a range of sizes. Tickets cost £2.50 each and this includes a glass of wine. You can buy tickets by completing the slip at the end of the newsletter and sending it into school with the money. We are committed to having at least 100 ladies attending, so bring your friends to a very enjoyable evening. Tickets may also be purchased on the evening of the show / sale. |
· Road Safety
At the last PFA meeting on 11th April, Derby City Council Road Safety Department came along and discussed "School Travel Plans", i.e. how to get to school safely. Items discussed included: - the walking bus and pedestrian training, cycle training on and off road, The Road Theatre, dangerous parking near school, walk to school days etc. Some funding from the council is available to improve the safety of routes to school and it was decided to set up a proactive action group to look into implementing some of the measures discussed. If you would like to join the action group, become a pedestrian or cycle trainer and/or find out more please contact the PFA.
· Beetle Drive
The first Parkview Primary school beetle drive was held on 13th April in the school hall. Over 110 adults and children took part. Our congratulations go to the winners and our thanks go to all of those who helped organise the beetle drive, Tony and Zoë Gordon, Simon and Elizabeth Coe, and the refreshments team, Julie Topham, Linda Lewsley and Sharon Sheppard. Not only was the night great fun but it also raised £101 that will be spent directly on items for the school. Fifty pounds will be used to purchase supplies for the school storysacks. Thankyou to everyone who came along and supported the event and also the parents and friends of Parkview Primary school who donated Easter eggs for the Easter raffle. We would also like to thank the following businesses who kindly donated prizes for the beetle drive and raffle: Oakwood Fish Bar (Oakwood District Centre) Oakwood Superstore (Smalley Drive) Tesco Stores (Manners Road, Ilkeston) Wilkinsons |
· Forthcoming Events
Friday 30th June - Sports Day and Summer Fayre
Thursday 6th July - Ladies Fashion Show/Sale
Sunday 16th July - Oakwood Gala (the school will be having a stall)
Thursday 20th July - An end of year disco is planned (more details will follow shortly) If you would like to help with these or any other future events please let us know by completing the slip below and returning it to the school office. Alternatively, come along to the PFA meetings or contact Simon Coe (e-mail or Gail Doughty (e-mail
The next PFA meeting is at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th May at school and this meeting will be to discuss the arrangements for the Summer Fayre only. Everyone is welcome. Without your help and support these events cannot take place. .. Fashion Show / Sale Ticket Request Form
Number of adult tickets required for the fashion show / sale drive (£2.50 each) | |
Money enclosed | £ |
Child's Name Year
Please contact me about helping with the Summer Fayre on Friday 30th June | |
Please contact me about helping with the School stall at the Oakwood Gala on Sunday 16th July | |
Please contact me about helping with the school disco on Thursday 20th July | |
Please contact me about helping with refreshments at future events |
Your Name Contact Number
Beetle Drive Ticket Request Form
Number of adult tickets required for the beetle drive (£1 each) |
Number of childrens tickets required for the beetle drive (50p each) |
Number of raffle tickets required (10p each) |
Money enclosed |
£ |
Following the recent accident outside Cavendish Close Primary School in which 3 pupils were injured we have invited Derby City Council Road Safety Department to come along to the next PFA meeting on Tuesday 11th April. The meeting will start at 7pm with a talk and discussion about "School Travel Plans", i.e. how to get to school safely, the walking bus, parking etc. The purpose is to get parents (who know the local area) involved in school travel plans. The talk and discussion will last about ¾ hour and for those wishing to stay this will be followed by the usual PFA meeting.
Children, family, friends, parents, staff everyone is welcome to join in the first Parkview Primary School beetle drive on Thursday 13th April. Entry fee is £1 per adult and 50p per child. Refreshments will also be available. Tickets are available from the school office and these can be ordered by calling into the school office or completing the tear-off strip at the end of this newsletter. All children are welcome, younger children may wish to play with an adult partner. There will be nursery/infant, junior and adult prizes. There will also be an Easter raffle (10p/ticket) with Easter eggs as prizes! If you would like to donate an egg for the raffle please send it into the school office marked "Beetle Drive".
The first Parkview Primary school quiz/fun night was held last Thursday in the school hall. Fifteen teams took part and the first winners of the Parkview Primary School Tournament Trophy were S-Club 3. The team included parents of Emily Peacock and Sophie Barker (Reception), David Clark (Year 5) and his parents. Our congratulations go to the winners and our thanks go to all of those who helped organise the quiz/fun night, Michele Fildes, Tracy and Steve Powell, Louise Cooney, Heather Ryder-Callington and the refreshments team, Julie Topham, Adele Simons, Adrian Harding and Sharon Sheppard. Not only was the night great fun but it also raised £158 that will be spent directly on books for the school. Thankyou to everyone who came along and supported the event.
Thankyou to everyone who replied to the advertisement for free range eggs. Unfortunately we do not have any volunteers to help run the scheme and it is for this reason that we will not be supplying eggs from Highfield Happy Hens through the school. However, if you would still like to purchase free range eggs from Happy Hens you can order your eggs by contacting Mr and Mrs Howie at the Church in Oakwood. All proceeds go directly to help Highfield Happy Hens with their training for special needs young people. |
The school Summer Fayre will take place between 6pm and 8pm on Friday 30th June and the PFA will be having a stall at the Oakwood Gala on Saturday 16th July. If you would like to help with these or any other future events please come along to the PFA meetings or leave a note for the PFA at the school office. The next PFA meeting is at 7pm on Tuesday 11th April.
Beetle Drive Ticket Request Form
Number of adult tickets required for the beetle drive (£1 each) |
Number of childrens tickets required for the beetle drive (50p each) |
Number of raffle tickets required (10p each) |
Money enclosed |
£ |
Family, friends, parents, staff everyone is welcome to join in the fun and quiz night on 23rd March. (Older children may join their parents team) The event is being organised by Michele Fildes, Tracy Powell, Louise Cooney and Heather Ryder-Callington. Entry fee is £1/person and teams can have between 3 and 6 people. Refreshments will be available, for a small corkage fee bring a bottle if desired. Entry forms are available from the school office and need to be returned by 20th March. Cheques should be made payable to "Parkview Primary School PFA". Please help us to make this a fun night, with a good turn out to generate much needed funds to buy books for all of the children in the school. There will be questions and quizzes for all abilities! |
The PFA are collecting any tokens for the school. Please help our tokens coordinator (Sharon Sheppard) by cutting them out before sending them in to school.
Our congratulations go to Mr Brownhill for his outstanding performance in Asdas wind machine where he collected 28 thousand tokens for maths equipment for the school. (For more details Click here)
The Parkview Primary School PFA meeting took place on 9th February and the following committee members were elected:
Simon Coe (Chairperson), Sharon Sheppard (Vice-Chairperson), Stuart Combridge (Treasurer), Gail Doughty (Secretary),Gary Parkin, Linda Lewsley, Julie Topham, Louise Cooney, Tony Gordon, Zoe Gordon, Annette Fish, Tracy Powell, Antony Holloway, Adele Simons, Sharron Endsor, Claire Summerfield, Michele Fildes, Adrian Harding, Jeanne Harding and Carolyn Parks. The constitution was agreed unanimously.
The minutes of the AGM are available on the PFA noticeboard next to Mrs Griffiths office.
It was agreed at the meeting to donate £100.00 for technology, art and crafts equipment and also £150.00 for books for the school library. Thankyou to everyone who has supported the PFA events and so helped to raise this money for school.
The next two PFA meetings will be held on Wednesday 15th March and Tuesday 11th April starting at 1930hrs at school. Everyone is welcome, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends of the school.
To date the school has sold 320 tea towels with the childrens self-portraits printed on them. There are still some tea towels remaining and if you would like to purchase some please send your money into school in an envelope with your childs name and year group on it and marked "tea-towels". The cost is £3 for 2 tea towels. All profit goes directly into school funds.
The school Summer Fayre will take place between 6pm and 8pm on Friday 30th June. If you would like to help with this or any other future events please come along to the PFA meetings or leave a note for the PFA at the school office.
Thankyou to everyone who replied to the advertisement for free range eggs. We now have sufficient orders to have eggs delivered to school every other Tuesday. However, before we can get the scheme running we would like 2 volunteers to come into school every other Tuesday to oversee the egg distribution and collection of money. If you would like to volunteer or find out more please contact the PFA. With the number of orders we have so far this scheme could raise over £150.00/year profit for the school and help Highfield Happy Hens with their training for special needs young people. |
Can you or anyone you know donate a very large teapot and a very large coffee pot to the PFA for the refreshment stalls at future events? We would like one of the large 2-handled teapots if possible. If you can please contact the PFA by leaving a note at the school office.
Do you have any unwanted books at home that you would like to donate to the school library? The library is very short of books at the moment, so if you or anyone you know have any childrens books in good condition can you please send them in to the school office. Also, there will be another opportunity to sponsor a book for the school at the parents evenings in March. If you, or anyone you know, would like to sponsor a book for the school there will be sponsorship labels available for all donations. |
We are looking for sponsors for the school football and netball sports bibs. If you, or the company you work for, would be interested in sponsoring some or all of the sports bibs please contact the PFA. Ideally we would like to purchase 2 sets of sports bibs at £75.00 each. |
The annual general meeting of the Parkview Primary School PFA will take place on Wednesday 9th February 2000 in the school hall. In advance of this a PFA meeting was held last week to draw-up a draft constitution for the Association. A constitution is a necessity for the PFA to attain a charitable status. A copy of the draft constitution is given below. I apologise for the small print but if the newsletter runs to more than 2 sides it costs the school another 260 sheets of paper!
Please have a read through the constitution and if you have any comments air them at the AGM where everyone votes to adopt a constitution.
If you would like to become a member of the committee please use the nomination form below and return this to Mrs C Griffiths before Friday 28th January. You do not need to be a committee member to join the PFA or attend any PFA meetings. Everyone is always welcome.
Parkview primary School Parents' and Friends' Association Draft Constitution
Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer together with a minimum of 10 and maximum of 17 other members.
Note: For the first AGM of the Parkview Primary School PFA nominations for committee members must be made to Mrs C Griffiths by Friday 28th January 2000. A form for this purpose is given below.
.............................. ..........................
Name of Nominee |
Committee Post |
Nominated by: (Can be self-nominated) |
Seconded by: (Another parent or friend of the school) |
Chairperson |
Vice-Chairperson |
Honorary Treasurer |
Honorary Secretary |
Committee Member |
Return to Mrs Griffiths by 28th January 2000.
At the PFA meeting on 17th January the PFA agreed to purchase £250 of new books for the school library. Thankyou for all your support in raising this money.
The PFA would also like to thank Asda for donating cups and saucers that will be used to serve refreshments (and so help raise more funds) at forthcoming school events.
Volunteer with a van required! Do you have a van that we could use to transport a wooden grotto? Its already in Oakwood but it needs moving to school. If you can help please contact the editor.
· More Vandalism
There was another incidence of vandalism at the school last weekend and several more windows were broken. Actions are already being taken to try and prevent any more incidents and there are some things that we can do to help as parents and friends of the school. There will be a short meeting with Sergeant Gary Parkin in the school hall from 8-9pm on Wednesday 19th January to discuss school security. Everyone is welcome to attend.
· Christmas Events
The Christmas Fayre and disco were a huge success raising just over £1040.00 for the school. The PFA would like to extend their thanks to the Mayor of Derby, the staff of Parkview Primary school, The Evergreens, the companies who kindly donated prizes and everyone who helped, contributed items and came along to the events. At the PFA meeting on Monday it was agreed that some of the money raised would be used to purchase children's seating for the school playground. The PFA would also like to thank the children, staff and everyone who helped with the Christmas productions.
· Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the first AGM of Parkview Primary School PFA will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 9th February 2000 in the school hall. Note: The PFA meeting planned for 14th February will not now take place.
What is an AGM?
It is the main business meeting of an organisation in the year.
Who can attend?
All parents and friends of Parkview Primary school. In preparation for the AGM there will be a PFA meeting at school next Monday (17thJanuary 2000) at 7.30pm. The purpose of this meeting will be to plan the AGM and prepare a draft constitution for the PFA. This is your opportunity to come along and join in. Everyone is welcome.
What is a constitution?
It is a list of statements saying what the PFA is and what it wants to achieve as a group.
· Tea-towels
To date the school has sold 320 tea towels with the children's self-portraits printed on them. There are still some tea towels remaining and if you would like to purchase one (or more) please send your money into school in an envelope with your child's name and year group on it and marked "tea-towels". The cost is £2.00 per towel. All profit goes directly into school funds.
· Forthcoming Events
The PFA are planning a quiz night for parents, friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles . on Thursday 23rd March. Further details will follow shortly.
· Free Range Eggs
Thankyou to everyone who replied to the advertisement for free range eggs. Unfortunately we don't have sufficient orders to make this fund-raising activity viable yet. If you would like to place an order for eggs please complete the form below and return it to school - if you have already replied there is no need to reply again unless you wish to change your order. The eggs are from Highfield Happy Hens at Etwall. By supplying eggs they also provide employment and training for special needs young people. Customers of Highfield also receive discount on farm open days, free use of the farm for camping and picnics, free farm tour including tractor and trailer ride and more. Highfield already supply many schools in Derby - their free range eggs cost £1.30 dozen (usually large and extra large).
I would like to purchase:
Half a dozen eggs | |
One dozen eggs | |
.dozen eggs | |
Every week | |
Every other week |
Contact Number
Finally, can you please let us know that you:
Have received this newsletter - not all newsletters seem to arrive home! | |
Will attend the PFA meeting on 17th January | |
Will attend the PFA AGM on 9th February |