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Parkview Primary School Eco News

The pupils and staff at Parkview Primary are making every effort to become more environmentally aware and are dedicated to making our school as green as possible. We have joined the Eco-Schools programme and we hope to have our efforts rewarded by being officially accredited as an Eco-School.


The children are the driving force behind the school's eco-activities and have carried out an environmental review. Different classes had different subject areas. We found out that there are some specific areas for improvement and together we created some targets to try and achieve by Christmas.

Target 1: To reduce the amount of litter on our school grounds

Target 2: To recycle paper in school

Target 3: To encourage everyone to walk to school

Some powerful messages from Stacey Harris (Year 6) and Danielle Reed (Former Year 6)


Don't be a litter bug!!

Don't be a litter bug!

How are our seas and oceans polluted?

Seas and Oceans!

Click here to find out about our bird tables!

Follow Rachael and Sharan's advice... and tell your friends!!!


Save Water

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