17th July 2001 Back to the school's pages
Parkview Primary School
Parkview Primary School
11th September 2001
WEDNESDAY, 10TH OCTOBER,2001 (so no choir that night)
The change is because staff have just been offered a unique opportunity to work with one of the leading experts in the country on improving teaching and learning.
Parents Evenings – Wednesday, 10th October and Tuesday, 16th October
Details will follow later.
SATS EVENINGS – Year 2 – 17.9.01 at 7.00 p.m.
(Year 6 took place last night)
13th to 17th May
DO NOT BOOK HOLIDAYS THIS WEEK, or before that if possible.
INSET Reminder
School closed for staff training Friday, 12th October
School Open on 19th October
Half term: school closes 19th 3.15 re-open Monday 29th October
Can you please ensure that medicines are not brought into school by your children, we ask that your Doctor prescribes for 3 times per day enabling you to give the medicine at home, otherwise you could come into school and administer it to your child at lunchtime. If your child is on long-term medication please come to the office, thank you.
Mrs Edwards needs volunteers to enter library titles onto a database.
Mrs Griffiths needs volunteers to help run our Book Fair after school
week beginning October 15th.
Please contact them if you are able to help.
Race Night – Saturday, October 6th.
PFA invites you to a Race Night on the above date.
Please support us and have fun !
17th July 2001
Experienced qualified ECO needed in Nursery, due to Yvonna Orme’s promotion
Mrs Maureen Mason appointed for Y3 maternity leave – November to March.
Elaine Poulsom appointed as clerical assistant in the office from September.
Heather Bryant elected New Parent Governor
Cancellation of October 19th
New Inset Day: October 12th
Opportunity to work with Bill Larr, national educational figure.
Sandwich Lunches
Please do not bring Baby Bel cheese in your packed lunches as they are staining the hall floor, thank you.
Sports Teacher of the Year click here for link
Simon Brownhill is Derby Evening Telegraph Sports Teacher of the year. Our children gain prizes – 30 will go to Derby County for a day’s visit, including training. 30 will go to a Premiership match, and there is a possibility of other children visiting the ground, yet to be confirmed.
Reminder -Thursday Disco, run by the PFA
Friday – Y5/Y6 Assembly – 9.00 a.m.
Non – Uniform Day
Last day of term – non-uniform day, 20p to Children’s School Fund, games can be brought into school (preferably quiet, cheap, and no water blasters!!!!)
Uniform reminder – no trainers normally
Request for help from Mrs Edwards:
On August 30th/31st we require helpers to put book information from Library onto the computer so that the children can access the information themselves.
We require volunteers – 3 for ½ hour sessions.
Please let Mrs Edwards know by replying by this e-mail link
27th June 2001 Back to the school's pages
27th June 2001
We have advertised for two additional posts, details can be obtained from school.
· Clerical support – we need someone to work in the office on Monday and Friday mornings to deal with dinner monies and undertake additional administrative tasks.
· ICT technician – we require someone with a sound knowledge of computers to work in school 3 hours a week during term time.
· ECO – We have appointed Alison Sparey as our full-time Reception ECO from September. Alison is a qualified Nursery Nurse and will move from Repton Primary to join our team.
FUN SCHOOLS CHALLENGE – Well done and thank you to children and parents/grandparents for raising the grand total of £1744.14, half of this will be for the school - £872.07.
The Governors’ Annual meeting for parents was very positive. Among the issues raised was a request for brief updates on special events we might be doing in school as children tend to reveal little to questioning parents.
Among recent events not already mentioned in newsletters –
-Jayshree Shaw to talk about India to R and Y4
-Visits to Mosque Y2 and Y5
-Visit to Barnsley Y3
-Quantum Science Theatre performing for School (funded by PFA)
-Staff being trained and training others. This included many students in school.
-Secondary links with the schools our children move up to (** Y6 need to submit applications early September)
-Industry links – e.g. Rolls Royce has worked in school with Y2 and Y4, and has established management links with Parkview
-Increasing use of the school building e.g. Ladies kick-boxing class has started on Friday nights.
Y1 Pickfords House Museum and Markeaton Park
Y2 Conkers, Forest Park
Y3 Barnsley, our Y3 school ’twin’, revisits us
Y4 Black Country Museum
Y6 Cropston Education Centre
First Aid Training (St John’s Ambulance) for ECOs and Midday supervisors, who are giving their own time for this.
Classes moving up on the morning of July 13th for a “taster” of next year.
July 20th 9.00 a.m. final Y6 assembly, open to all parents.
September – Increased instrumental lessons
- improved road safety for all your children.
- PLEASE DO NOT PARK OUTSIDE/INSIDE SCHOOL, walk to school if possible. If you must drive, use the Community Centre Car Park, and make sure that children are wearing safety belts.
- We would like to reunite you with your child’s property before the end of term. Reclaim it this week or we will dispose of the many unclaimed items.
Parents have expressed an interest in having a school dinner with their child as a ‘one off’. Please return the slip below if you are interested in being booked in for dinner – we will contact you to arrange a date.
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19th June 2001
REMEMBER good schools depend on parental involvement and support.
Cars are again being parked dangerously near to school and parents are driving into our car park. PLEASE do not do this as this puts your children at risk. Many complaints have been made about a small number of Nursery parents using our car park. There has been a car accident outside the school this week, and we want to avoid one involving any of the children.
We would like to remind parents that we suggest that suitable snacks are cartons of drink, fruit, or plain biscuits. We ask you not to send chewing gum, chocolate, fizzy drinks, or glass bottles. Please remind your children, as we do, to use the litter bins.
Some of our children’s telephone numbers appear to be incorrect, could you please advise the office by sending in a note with your child of any new telephone numbers, mobiles especially or work numbers etc, where you can be contacted throughout the day,
For parents who like to pay in advance, the Dinner Money required for the next half term will be £43.75 less £1.25 for per day for any absences. (If you are unsure please check in the office in the new term.)
Miss Simpson will be finishing as 0.5 Reception ECO in July. She has done an excellent job and we wish her all the best in the future. We are advertising for a qualified full time ECO for this class. We have been able to make this a full-time post because of our improved financial position. Thank you to the PFA and parents, grandparents and other members of the community who have supported fund-raising. Your efforts have helped us to have more money to increase staffing.
Mrs Edwards is expecting a baby, and will begin maternity leave on November 5th. We are very pleased to hear about the impending arrival of baby Edwards! We are advertising for a Temporary KS2 teacher to take Y3 from November to March. We intend to recruit this teacher this term, and then involve the successful applicant in liaison with Mrs Edwards so that the children in Y3 will make the same good progress as always.
May, 2001
Congratulations to Miss Skipper who was married in the Easter holidays, her new name is Mrs Rodenby.
From 23rd April, 2001
Mrs Chris Seabridge has now increased her hours as an Educational Care Officer and therefore has left her position as Senior Midday Supervisor.
Mrs Jackie Lindley has moved to Senior Midday Supervisor and Mrs Karen Adamson has now joined us as a new midday supervisor.
Mrs Chohan from Oakwood Superstores kindly gave sweets and drinks to the children to celebrate the Sikh Festival of Vaisakhi
Comic Relief – well done to all the children who made the day a really enjoyable one ! We raised a fantastic sum of £229.81.
The Rolls Royce Literacy Logo Competition was won by Matthew Bown, with Adam Sharratt a runner up. Well done Matthew and Adam!
Dinner Money – some parents are not aware that they are in credit for school dinners from the Spring term, therefore at the end of this half-term if your child has been off school and you have still been sending in the full amount for dinner please contact the office for an exact amount payable for the rest of the Summer term. Thank you. Mrs Walker.
Reminder – Bank holiday Monday 7th May, school reopens Tuesday 8th
Spring Bank holiday – school closes Friday, 25th May at
3.15 p.m. Reopen Monday, 4th June.
Simon Brownhill has been appointed as the LEA Dance Co-ordinator and will be training other teachers in after school sessions.
Dear Parent,
Mikey Manghum has been selected to represent England inmini-basketball. He is one of only 10 children chosen to play at this national level and we congratulate him on his achievement. Mikey is seeking sponsorship, and this is a wonderful opportunity to support a local star. If you or your company would like to sponsor Mikey, please contact school.
Easter Assembly- Friday 6th April 2001
The assembly will be led by Rev. Philip Waller. We are asking Infants to make an Easter bonnet at home and bring it in on the 6th in a named bag. Juniors are invited to make an Easter Garden at home and bring it in from Monday 2nd April, the final week of term.
A number of children are using Lypsyl, Vick inhalers and cough sweets. Please avoid sending these to school if possible because of the problems linked with sharing and misuse.
Religious Education
Could parents travelling abroad please try to acquire (small!) religious artefacts for our RE resources.
Please send in comics in good condition to the class teacher.
The following items are required:
Hare, lamb, owls, tiger, ducks, caterpillar, Tabby cat, small wheelbarrow, flutes, drum, plastic fruit, white stoat, newt, purple dinosaur, zebra, spiders, beetle, polly pocket castle, trumpet, cymbals, pirates hat, duckling, green parakeet, Elmer the elephant, crocodile, worms, mouse, dolls wardrobe, tuba, torch
Lunch Time Supervisor
We will have a vacency for a lunch time supervisor from after Easter. Application forms are available inschool, and the closing date is March 23rd.
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your positive support during our recent Ofsted Inspection. We will shortly be receiving the written report, and will send you copies as soon as possible.
Red Nose Day - Friday 16th March 2001
We are inviting all the children to wear non-uniform and pay 50p, which we will send to charity.
Dinner Costs to Easter - £6.25 Per Week
W/c 26th February - £5.00 for the week
4 weeks - £25
Total till Easter - £36.25
If you prefer to pay weekly, please do so.
Nut Allergy
Some of our children suffer from severe nut allergies. Please do not send any foods containing nuts to school.
Inset Day - Reminder
School will be closed for staff training on Monday 26th February 2001.
Dear Parent,
Here is an update on what is going on in school, with some reminders for you.
School Photographs - Thursday 8th February 2001, 9am
The photographer will be starting at 9am with family groups, so please be at school by 8.55am if you wish to have a family group photograph. Next will be brothers and sisters and then finally it will be the individual photographs by class rotation.
No-Smoking Policy
A no-smoking policy operates in this school. Please follow this for the sake of your children's health.
Uniform Sales
Volunteer required to sell uniforms after assembly on Fridays, please.
Children with Sickness
Please be aware that any child suffering from sickness needs 48 hours before returning to school. This ensures that any bug can be eliminated very quickly. (This is an LEA directive). We would appreciate your help with this.
Clerk to Governors
We have a vacency for Clerk to Governors following the resignation of Debbie Ainsworth. Thank you to Debbie for doing a splendid job. The job requires attendance at a minimum of one meeting a half term, and word processing skills. Shorthand would be an advantage. Application forms will be in school from Monday. Speak to Chair of Governors, Nicky Mount or Clare Griffiths if you would like more information. Closing date 9th February 2001.
It has been suggested that the Government is planning an additional school closure day in the summer term for all schools, to introduce new national procedures. We will inform you about this when we know more.
Spring 2001
Monday 8th January - Friday 16th February
Monday 26th February - Friday 6th April (April 9th is INSET)
Summer 2001
Monday 23rd April - Friday 25th May
Monday 4th June - Friday 20th July
Public Holidays 7th and 28th May
Three days will be booked for staff training, hen school will be closed we will let you have these dates as soon as possible.
Autumn 2001
Tuesday 4th September - Friday 19th October (Sept 3rd is INSET)
Monday 29th October - Friday 21st December
Spring 2002
Monday 7th January - Friday 15th February
Monday 25th February - Friday 22nd March (March 25th is INSET)
Summer 2002
Monday 8th April - Friday 24th May
Monday 3rd June - Friday 19th July
Public Holidays 6th and 27th May Three days will be booked for staff training and we will inform you as soon as we know the dates.